Thursday, October 05, 2006

Laugh, don't cry. I know she'd want it that way.

When you have a good date, you know it. Last night was k-rad to the max, fool.

That just sounded ridiculous didn't it? I'm embarrassed.

Last night, I had a hot date. We went to a mother-truckign FUNERAL!! Isn't that terrible? We encorporated the phrase "we're bad people" into every conversation about everything at any moment because we ARE bad people! We had FUN at a funeral! It made me think of all those terrible gothic bumper stickers I might have found amusing in high school. We didn't mean to put the fun in funeral, it just happened. And it was the father of a guy who I find to be so nice and pleasant. Said hello to me every day at work when I was new. So that was the boo part. Boo. Wah.

But before hand, there was hanky panky and joint showering and getting dressed up. We looked good. We really pull off the funeral attire. We were in and out in 5 minutes (what a pathetic display on our part) and then we headed off to get Chinese food. It was damn good (and not just because Bill paid). I saw a little porceline Saki set that I need for my white porceline collection and Bill bought some wacky Samurai statue. We ate food in bed and I happily slurpped noodles from my soup while watching FREAK SHOW! I am totally in LOVE with Primi, the premature baby with the power of pin-point vommiting. Adorable, kissing, snuggable ("I don't have a belly button yet").

I still feel terrible. Especially about all the smiling and snickering we did at the calling hours. I also feel terrible that I wore a red bra and you could see the straps form time to time. I guess I have no respect for the dead. Regardless, I do have respect for Bill, Chinese food, and cartoons in bed. I respect that a lot.

I don't respect the PT Cruiser pinching game though. YOWZA!

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