Tuesday, October 17, 2006

He couldn't stay. No harbor was his home

I suppose it's time for me to issue an apology.

I'm not apologizing for not getting the blogs out on time. Blam that on flipping Blogger. They've been sitting around and molding on my desktop because I've been saving them cut-n-paste style to upload, to afriad I'd lose some of the brilliant ramblings I'd collect to actually ATTEMPT to post.

I will apologize for that run-on sentence though. GOLLY!

What I want to apologize about...actually WHO I want to apologize TO...is John Denver. Yes, I am afraid that at the beginning of this month, I did John Denver wrong. He was not, in fact, a wife beater. NO...he was a CHEATER. That's what he was. He wrote the beautiful tune "Annie's Song" (which Me First and the Gimme Gimmes masterfully cover on 'Love Their Country') to win back his wife after cheating. Not after beating her. I think he did get her back after that romantic stunt.

But not until AFTER she cut down all the trees around their Colorado home. The trees he specifically bought the house for because he loved them so much. Way to go, Mrs. Denver. Way to symbolically kick him the balls. I really don't want to talk about a dead man's balls. Rest in Peace, John Denver.

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