Tuesday, August 03, 2010

No one's gonna tell me what's wrong or what's right!

I am a championship nester!

Not only are we all moved in and not only do I have almost EVERY box unpacked (the ones that said "liquor" and "lingerie" were especially important) but I have a majority of our stuff put away! It was necessary for me to start seeing our stuff again in order for it to start feeling like home.

I'm not going to lie, I had a little separation anxiety about leaving the Corral. But unpacking turned all of that around. This may sound silly but I got excited by everything I unpacked! We have some amazingly ridiculous and cool stuff. I missed that stuff while it was living in boxes. I didn't want to decorate without Todd but I did a few things while he was at work and he loved them. I think I'm kind of good at that stuff.

We ate dinner at the table. I even made a cake.

My mom said I'm going from Betty Paige to Betty Crocker. Love it.

And my parents are rad, just so your know. They helped out so much this weekend, especially by making sure everyone who helped out was fed. We couldn't have made it through without them. We couldn't have gotten this bad ass house without their help. And I'll take this opportunity to thank Joe and Sharon who worked their damn asses off. I've really learned through this whole house buying-moving mumbo jumbo who our real friends are. That's always a good thing to know.

You know what ELSE is good to know? Even though our feet killed and muscles ached and we were busting our asses practically 24 hours a day...we still attempted to make a baby every chance we got! How's that for VA-VOOM??

I hope everyone will come see Castle Grayskull soon. You never need an invitation. Just come ring our ridiculous doorbell. We'd love to see you. I need to start making some memories in this joint and I need all our friends in them.

Life is good.


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see it Lacey! I'm so happy for you guys!

Camevil said...

So lemme get this straight: You are already fully moved in, unpacked, a domestic goddess, AND have the libido of a jack rabbit post-move?

You are not human. You can't be.

phoebe marie said...

well, i cannot WAIT to be able to come see your new digs!
i've been going through what you WERE going through, with getting the old place ready to sell (only our place needs WAY more work!) so i've been generally without life, free time, helping-friends-prep-for-THEIR-move time, basically anything but painting, eating, working and sleeping time.
but i miss you. and the whole day, while i knew you were moving into your magic new castle, i was thinking about you and feeling bad for not taking a fixing-up-my-kitchen break to call and let you know.
i'm really excited for you!
and while no one wants to hear it, i'm envious and hope to be making my own move as soon as this place gets up and on the market.
congrats, love!
i'll visit as soon as i can.

Sharky Marie P.G. said...

@Phoebe: Don't sweat it. I know you've got tons of garbage going on. BELIEVE ME, I feel your paind because we're STILL not done at Milburn. And I do hope you get to come out soon...I've fallen in love with the house and am dying for my pals to see it.