Monday, November 09, 2009

Fields are ripe. It's the spring time of my life.

Go to Hell, Lunesta.

Never once did I have the pleasure of neon butterflies. Instead, I truly terrifying and life-like nightmares. And last night, I couldn't wake myself up. I could not escape a nightmare that was hitting WAY too close to home. And when I did, the combo of relief and terror made me attempt to crawl inside of Todd's skin. I want to sleep, I do. But not at the expense of my sanity. I'd rather wake up every 2 hours and have broken, restless sleep. Or beat the Hell out of my liver with various "PMs". After nightmares like this, it's hard to just start the day. I'm a mess.

Now here's something you'll REALLY like!

Todd's 30th Birthday was Saturday and we successfully celebrated the bejesus out of it with the most fun 80s cover band I've ever seen. Little Jen said the pictures were funny because you could see how drunk we were as the night progressed. But I was TOTALLY SOBER! I was just having that much fun. Everyone was, especially the birthday boy which is what REALLY matters. He had SO much fun, that he ever asked me to dance! At a bar full of people! To a fast song! It was an amazing night...outside of one scuffle with a man in a Cosby sweater and one Helluva a hangover to kick off being 30. "Getting Hammered" is now on Todd's Murtaugh List. Mine, too (being sober was rad...the people-watching I did was endless entertainment). Regardless, it'll be hard to top this one. Happy 30th Birthday, baby.

I wish it was New Year's Eve so we could be in The Falls.

And I wish I wasn't starting to get sick. : (

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