Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Loving you is cherry pie.


Am I pumped? You bet your assets I am!

Rushing home to change (though I did apply liquid eyeliner this morning to save some time) and then picking up my 14 year old neice, who is cooler than most people I know. We're gonna chow down and then hit the Q and go bananas. I've been eyeballing recent setlists and am super psyched. Though I could do without hearing "Teeth".  There's something about "Take a bite of my bad girl meat" that makes me feel not-so-fresh.

I predict it will be worth the cheddar. I had to make it rain to make this happen. Annnnd...enough with the thug-speak. In the past, I didn't always come through with birthday or Christmas gifts for my neices and nephews and I always felt like a toad. I've been making up for it and I'm fo' sho making up for it tonight. And I'm going to enjoy every nasty second of her shenanigans. Lady Gaga and I could be friends, I have no doubt. And I don't mean that in a stalkerish way.

It couldn't have come at a better time. I need a break.

I'm stretched very thin and a thinly stretched rubber band eventually snaps. I though about soliciting some weekend paitning help via social networking but decided against it. It's no one's job but mine, and I'm drowning in it.  I cooled my jets a little last night with some retail therapy (thanks to scoring more dough than I thought I would at Half Price Books). Top Chef Chicago & Las Vegas, a new pair of pajama pants, and a ring shaped like an owl's head set me right for a minute or two.

I'm counting on Gaga to re-motivate me. If she can't, who can?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Soooooo jealous!!! Have fun tonight!