Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I'm much too fast to take that test.

Hon lämnar. Hon flyttar till den annan sida av landet om några få dagar. Hon lämnar hennes barn bakom. Vad sort av person gör det? Hon lämnar hennes son med en man hon har noll respekt för och en kvinna som hon hatar. Det är hur viktigt att starta ett nytt liv är till henne. Hon behöver flytta tusen av mil borta så inga fynd ut hon har slagit sten botten. Patetisk.

Yep. Foreign language ranting again.

Lots of changes are gonna go down, or so it seems. It has nothing to do with ME exactly but it will affect me big time. I'm having all kinds of feelings about said changes but I'm bottling them up. I'm channling all the emotions and confusion into my kitchen project. I blasted AFI, Bad Religion, and MxPx and rolled the bulk of every wall until my arms were shaking. I didn't eat dinner. I didn't talk to anyone. I didn't ask for any help. I sang and I rolled. Goodbye sunshiney yellow and Hello stormy gray. If it all comes together like I'm envisioning in my head, I'm going to spend all my time in there. My gloomy, creepy, mysterious kitchen. I'll empty out all my bottled up emotions by cooking. And by making out with the margarita machine.

My mind is all over the place. I'm just letting it spazz.

Getting married 1 month from today. Nothin' spazzy about that.

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