Tuesday, March 21, 2006

But my bee-stung tongue wants in there.

Bees! Bees! My elbow is going to be attacked by bees in about an hour! And while they won't be REAL bees, they will be bee-utiful bees and there will be a "buzzzzzzzz buzzzzzzzz" noise in the background that will make me scream about BEEEEEES!

Break it down! I'm finally getting my left elbow finished, suckah chumps! Let's face it, my former hubba-lubba-ding-dong and I may some day be on speaking terms...maybe a high five here and there...but I don't ever think we're going to be close enough for him to finish the three phat tats he abandoned. I don't think I would trust him to drive vibrating needles into my lilly white flesh anywho. Regardless. I'm more than happy to give my dough to Sean Jaundice. And I will! TODAY! :::shudder:::

I'm also going to get my Danzig skull shaded pinkity pink. Switchblade doesn't think Danzig will like that which is EXACTLY why I'm doing it. I could take that mothah-suckah down with one pound from my ineffectual fist. Take that! Pow pow! {Pink Danzig skull. So pretty.

Lovely luscious liquor-lovin' Leo asked if this would be my last one with a sort of pleading tone. I said yes...after my left foot is done...and my right leg...and my achor is colored in...and my butterfly is covered up...and my octopus is wearing a crown...and I get my Polkabot matching Ben Lybarger's. Then yes, Leo. I will be done (lies, lies, lies...and I guess this is why my mother says to never put anything in print). He said I was addicted. My clever response was a stone-faced "Duh".

I can't believe I just spent all those paragraphs talking about tattoos. I actually hate talking about tattoos. It's such a brain dead, "I have nothing else to blather about" subject. And here I am STILL talking about it!

Now I will switch to the story about how I found two of my cats in a garbage can outside my house when I got home from work yesterday.

Actually, that's pretty much the whole story. They escaped, got into a rumble, and they they fucked me up. But all is good at the Ol' Kentucky Shark Corral for the time being...until I get rabies.

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