Thursday, May 11, 2006

I'm doing OK. Don't you know? Can't you see?

I just laughed, and I mean freaking laughed, like a maniac for 10 minutes straight at work. My face was red, my ribs and diaphragm hurt, and now I feel dizzy. The dizziness isn't good, nor is the nausea, but the side affects are worth it. It was incredible. Phoebe was right here with me, chuckling her head off in the cubicle (the "cool cube", if you're in the know). I'm sure we sounded like two retarded hyenas but man, it was boss. I couldn't even take a work call because I was in such a state of hysterics. There was a lot of hiding my face in my hands and wiping away tears. Awesome.

I was invited over to my fella's on a night her had his kids. There was a fire and marshmallows and I even got roped in to playing some basketball and baseball, if you can believe that. It was cool to be around a family where the father doesn't change much from being his day-to-day self when he switches into "Dad Mode". Aside from a little discipline here and there and concern over if everyone was being safe and playing nice, he was just my regular, ol', guy. And I was pretty gnarly myself. I got good-bye hugs and a jelly bracelet and girls vs. boys about who was going to get to play with me. There's enough of me to go around, little dudes.

Yeah, I even missed the season finale of Gilmore Girls for family time.

I can sense that Phoebe is over at the other desk, preparing to make me chuckle myself into a heart attack again. I'm trying to ignore her presence so that I don't end up losing my mind today. I need to be relaxed today, not amped to the hills. We cancelled Pussyfoot practice since we just busted our asses for two shows and don't have anything lined up for awhile. It's nice to have a hiatus. How will I spent my recently vacant Thursday? Cooking a Mexican feast for my boy Johnny Switchblade and abusing the Netflix while in my pajamas.

Speaking of Netflix, what a dud that gay cowboy movie was! I fast forwarded through most of it and cursed the rest. What a let down! I mean, GAY COWBOYS! It should have been mind-blowing but it wasn't. I gave it 1 star and wrote a rather test two cents review. Don't watch it. Fo' shizzle. Do something constructive like nap. Or wash your underpants. Or take out the garbage. Or poke your pets with a stick. Just don't watch it. You'll thank me. Even if you want a rodent to make my skull into a condo.

Yorko-a-Go-Go tomorrow. First Ol' Kentucky Sharks function with Leo.

There goes my radio-active bile. Wish me luck.

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