Thursday, December 01, 2005

Did she kiss him and cry?

My head is really heavy. It has gained several pounds since the beginning of this year. And you would think with all the rotten, fly-infested TRASH that went on at the beginning of this year, my head would have slimmed down. Heck, unloading all the venom-spitting hatred I had for my former husband (I even sent the skeevy bastard a genuine and sincere birthday greeting) should have practically made my head float away like a balloon, light as a feather.


I'm trying to find some sort of balance that is easier than walking a tightrope, blindfolded, while carrying a pregnant and somewhat aggitated leopard. I would like to keep my head AND my heart. Ya dig? Once again, this would all be so much easier if I could just talk about what's gnawing on my brain but I have hypothetical masking tape over my mouth. I am at this obnioxus fork in the road where if I go to the left, I'll hurt. If I go to the right, I'll hurt. And I just can't stay where I am because it puts a symbolic dunce hat on my skull. Did I mention that this is a meat fork?

This is a meat form.

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