Thursday, October 12, 2006

The world isn't coming to an end.

Sometimes passing up drafting a snuggable man has it's benefits because...


I woke up this morning feeling great and thank GOD because there was no time to spare. We're leaving for North Carolina TOMORROW!! He was all worried about my being sick and having a bad time (little does he know that if the plague continued, he was going to have to rustle up another road tripper) and in turn, him having a bad time. But I see clear skies and good times ahead! We are healthy and Charlotte bound!

But we didn't get here without some bumps in the road. Besides the illness, there have been some tiffs. I was accused of doing something I didn't do (what else is new?) when in all actuality, it was Bill's fault all along (he was my accuser of course). First, he showed up at my desk sporting a pouty face with 2 candy bars and a note that said "I am sorry. Love, Bill". Then he took me to lunch where he asked what he needed to do for me to forgive him and have fun at the race. I told him what he could do and he did it. He got on the PA at work (which I ahev NEVER heard him do, EVER) and said, "This is Bill. Lacey, I'm sorry". But sorry for what? This prompted PA announcement number 2. "This is Bill again. I'm sorry for being an asshole". Yeah, all was good after that.

So here we are. Leaving tomrorow. WEEEEEE! I ahev Stewart so cheer him on!

And if you haven't gotten the new Me First and the Gimme Gimmes CD (which you won't since "Love Their COuntry" won't be out until TUESDAY), you should. "Jolene" is just AMAZING! AMAZING! And "Annie's Song" by John Denver? GREAT! Though I did learn he wrote that after CHEATING on his wife. Not BEATING her. Whoops! Just get it. You want it. Johnny Cash. Hank Williams. SMOKEY AND THE BANDIT!?!?! COME ON!

Yeah. I'm a super fan.

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