Wednesday, October 25, 2006

He taught me the way to win your heart.

I know there's a lot going down this Saturday with it being so close to Halloween and all but I think you should take attending the following event into consideration because I pretty much guarantee a rockin' good time or your money back. Actually, I can't give you your money back. But I still guarantee a rockin' good time!

Your ever-evil Pussyfoot Girls are joining forces with Lords of the Highway and Lost It!!! (<----first show EVER) in a brave attempt to rock in Halloween and cover you in blood, guts and gore (and probably beer and sweat, too). We're doing two sets so make sure you get there early. Get your drink on! Socialize! Shake with anticipation!

This is a horrific Halloween event that you don't want to miss! Chicks with knives! Fighting fans! Ninjas vs. Geishas! And maybe, just maybe, the theme songs to Batman and The Blob! All of this plus some local rock-n-roll that could cause your head to explode, splattering your brains on innocent music/dancing girls enthusiasts! What more could you want?!?!?!


The Jigsaw Saloon and Stage at State and Brookpark in PARMA!

Lost It! The Pussyfoot Girls! Lords of the Highway!

9pm. $5

See you there...if you dare!

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