Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Whether to believe or not is only up to you.

I just heard some news. I don't like it. I need info.



Moving on.

You should be seeing more of The New-n-Improved Pussyfoot Girls in early 2010 and the litter is expanding by at LEAST 2. I see many wigs and fake lashes in my future. Time to get my strut on. Again.

I've put the nix on nursing school. I don't feel like spending money to make money when I'm already making money. And that's just asking my immune system to commit suicide right there. Plus I pretty much hate people.

I've been sort of spitting nails recently. I want to shake it off but the feeling seems to be embedded. I wish I could get in a meaningless fist fight...but with a punching bag so no one gets their feelings...or face...hurt.

I just remembered how much I hate "Gummo". Ugh.

It's really sucko that we aren't going to The Falls for New Year's Eve. I'm determined for 2010 to be nothing but f-u-n and that would've been a great jump start. But a hotel back-up plan is in the works. I do love a back-up plan.

This is mighty random, I know. I don't care. Eat dirt. No! Eat the fried cheese at Cheesecake Factory! And drink Bomb Pops at PJ McIntyre's! That'll fix whatever is unhinged. At least temporarily.

TMFK, I hope something can fix what has you unhinged today. I love you.


Lisa said...

Not doing nursing? Eh, it's not for everyone.

Bob Ignizio said...

So are the new PF Girls anyone I know? And sorry you hate 'Gummo'. Personally I love that warped little masterpiece.