Monday, August 27, 2007

The board of education took away my parole!

Back to work and back to school all in one day! Sheeeeeeeeeeesh.

I guess I'll start with vacation...all I ever wanted. I actually sang that song at karaoke one drunken night. It was freeing to a certain degree while also being humiliating and crippling. Regardless. Due to damn Hurricane Dean (which did tug at my Gilmore Girls heart strings, though I had always prefered Jess and even Logan towards the end) we ended up in the filthy Bahamas instead of beautiful Mexico. Balls. But Key dog, I loved it there.

I just realized that I don't want to type anymore right now.

STAY TUNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will edit this when I get home from work/school.

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